Sponsorship Opportunity at Oakwood Community Center’s 4th Annual Bowl-a-thon!

Oakwood Community Center is pleased to announce that the Fourth Annual Oakwood Bowl-a-thon FUN-draiser and Friend-raiser—will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025. This fundraising effort provides support for the Community Center in the Hillside North Neighborhood to host essential programs like our Saturday Food Pantry, Oakwood Techniques Performing Arts After School program and summer camp, and our ability to provide an affordable meeting and rental space for our neighbors. This event will once again take place at Uncle Sam Lanes in Troy, where last year’s event was enjoyed by all and was a huge success for Oakwood.  

Your participation will provide an excellent source of goodwill for your business, and an opportunity for you to support vital programming in the community in which you do business. By making a commitment to the Oakwood Bowl-a-thon, your business will become a part of all the media, advertising, and promotion of this event.

To sign up, visit the link below or send a check made out to Oakwood Community Center to 313 10th St. Troy, NY 12180.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Strike Sponsor $500 

• One team of five bowlers or sponsor a team 
• Name displayed prominently on (3) three lanes
• Recognition at the event

Pins & Spares Sponsor $300 

• One team of five bowlers Or sponsor a team 

• Name displayed prominently on (1) one lane 

• Recognition at the event

Lane Sponsor $150 

•Name displayed prominently (1) one lane

• Recognition at the event